Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 Overall, the comments that I receive from other students in the class are helpful and encouraging. A lot of people, including myself, are often hesitant about their writing when they put it out into the world, but it really helps when the audience is reassuring. I would like to think that my feedback is helpful to others. I try to be encouraging, while also critiquing and providing ideas to improve the writing. I definitely get good ideas when reading other stories. 

I am happy with my introduction post. I really enjoy reading and leaving comments on introduction posts, because it feels as though everyone is connecting with each other to a certain extent. In the future, I definitely want to help improve other's writing through feedback, and hopefully receive some as well. 

Growth Mindset (Feedback Cats)

I chose this image because feedback is often used as a negative connotation. A lot of people with fixed mindsets fear negative feedback, as they take it personally. Also, I relate to the cat. I make the same face when I stare into the mirror.


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