Reading Notes: The Mahabharata by C.A. Kincaid Part B
-Twelve years in the forest, Yudhisthira learned the art of gambling. The Pandavas disguise themselves at the court of King Virata.
-Queen Sudeshna's brother, Kichaka, tries to take Draupadi and Bhima vows to kill him.
-Bhima crushes him to death in the dark.
-People want to burn Draupadi on Kichaka's funeral pyre but Bhima saves her. King Susharma tells Duryodhana that Kichaka is dead and King Susharma kidnaps King Virata.
-Yudhisthira, Prince Uttara (Virata's son) and Arjuna go to rescue King Virata
-They emerge victorious and the Pandavas reveal their identities to the king. Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu, married Uttara (Virata's daughter)
-Yudhisthira tries to make peace with King Dhritarashtra but Duryodhana says to refuse and to spend another twelve years in exile.
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