Reading Notes: The Mahabharata by C.A. Kincaid Part A

-Sons of Pandu and Kunti: Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna (the Pandavas or sons of gods.
-Dhritarashtra became king after Pandu dies
-Son of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari: Duryodhana (a hundred sons called the Kauravas)
-Pandavas and Kauravas are descendants of King Bharata

-Arjuna wins the competition for Draupadi, and she marries all five brothers (He was disguised as a brahmin)

-Yudhisthira loses a gambling match to Shakuni (Duryodhana's uncle) and loses everything. Draupadi becomes enslaved. 

The power dynamic between the two groups is really interesting to look at. The groups may be confusing to identify, but once it is divided, it becomes easy who the characters are. 

Yudhisthira and the Pandavas (Wikimedia)

Bibliography: Reading Guide: Kincaid. Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City:Part A 


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